Independent use of the rehabilitation and/or S&C gyms at Mill Park Physiotherapy has re-commenced as of Monday 22/06/2020 in-line with government recommendations surround the COVID-19 pandemic.
There will be a 20 person limit in the gyms. Please note that classes and private clients will take precedent over independent gym users.
Please bring your own towel when using the gym and remember to wash your hands before and after. There will also be hand sanitiser available in the gym for use.
Upon entering the gym, you MUST:
Fill out your name, contact details and time/day of arrival and departure on the specified sheet on the wall
Sanitise all equipment directly after use with the wet-wipes provided
Reminder: The gym is available for independent use with a gym membership or single-session options. If you have put your membership on hold, please contact reception to re-activate it.